Friday, March 22, 2019

AIM IK Fix and Hand to Wall IK

I have made many adjustments since my last post. I fixed the foot turning animation on the lower half of the body, it now only plays when player is in idle, standing still, and looking left and right. I fixed aiming, it only activates when the player is shooting, to avoid the awful sideways over-bending of the body, and the twisting and contorting that was occurring earlier. The Aim IK weight is set to 0, unless player is firing and strafing. Next, I added a muzzle flash effect from the asset store, to highlight the presence of the character's weapon in 3rd person view, since it isn't easily visible. I added a coroutine in the script to give short delay so that player character isn't firing before the weapon is fully raised.

Finally, I have successfully built the functionality to get the character to detect and touch a wall on his left with his offhand using a raycast and IK! There is still a minor problem, since the hand doesn't make direct contact with the wall. Still, this lays the foundation for all other wall-touching actions on my task list such as creating friction while falling and ledge grabbing. However, I don't think I will get to ledge grabbing, that'll be a bit tricky, but friction while falling is worth a try! This may also pave the way for me to troubleshoot foot planting, since they both use raycasts and animation curves to blend between IK and an animation.

Above, we can see the raycast detecting the wall and causing the animation to play. On the right, we can see the original animation in the inspector, and a curve above it. This curve is what sets the weight for blending between Unity IK and the original animation.

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All Updated State Machines and Blend Trees

These are all of the State Machines and Blend Trees that I set up for my character in Mecanim: