Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Bug Fixing

I have fixed most of the bugs that I was having earlier.

Re-parenting the camera and character controller components again worked as I had predicted. All components are now on the topmost object in the hierarchy, Hunter Transform.

I have fixed the root rotation issue where the character was rotating downward  with the camera. The way I fixed it is setting the camera object in the movement controller as the camera pivot null object that the camera is a child of instead of the camera itself. I did this because the camera pivot is  not pointing downward, but has all of it's rotations zeroed so that it is aligned with the floor plane.

I am still having a problem with the IK, but worse. Now, the IK is completely broken, and I have no idea why. The aim IK keeps flickering on and off, creating a jittery motion. When I move the character around in play mode, the IK locator objects seem to be moving in world space so that the character does not punch in the correct direction. However, this should not be happening since they are parented to the character and not in world space. Observe:

This is a very perplexing and confounding issue. I really hope that I do not need to re-setup the null objects, or rewrite the IK script.

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All Updated State Machines and Blend Trees

These are all of the State Machines and Blend Trees that I set up for my character in Mecanim: