Friday, February 22, 2019

Character Rigging in Maya

So far, this week has been a major comeback.
I have retopologized my character in Blender, and rigged it in Maya. I decided to use Maya for rigging for this project because Blender was giving me issue last time, when I made my own block-out animations and tried to get them working on my blender-rigged character in Unity. The mesh exploded upon the playing of the animations. So, it seems that the bones were scaling and rotating in odd directions for whatever reason.
I found that rigging in Maya isn't so hard. In fact it is much like rigging in Blender. If you set the Bind Skin setting s correctly, Maya can do most of the heavy lifting as far as applying weighting to your model goes. All you have to do is make some adjustments here and there on certain joints by weight painting.
My repopology so far looks a bit crumby. The character is UVd, so anytime I want, I can edit the position of the vertices of my mesh in order to allow for baking the detail from the high-resolution model into texture maps. I mirrored my character's right side to his left after UVing in Blender, so the UVs are directly on top of each other. This allowed me to mirror my weight painting in Maya. All in all, I was able to optimize the rigging of my character so that it took the least amount of time possible. Some of the weight painting is rough, but it will suffice for now.

So far, I am looking into retargeting animations in Unity rather than Motion Builder. The deciding factors will be how much extra functionality does Motion Builder offer? How much of it is needed? Is Unity overall faster and more efficient for what I am doing? Will editing the animations via animation layers in Motion Builder be necessary since I am using Unity IK to tweak the animations anyway? These are the questions I need to answer.

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All Updated State Machines and Blend Trees

These are all of the State Machines and Blend Trees that I set up for my character in Mecanim: